Tuesday 11 October 2011

Darrens Hacking Cough

Well it worked, immediate attention in solicitors office,Darren also had a hacking cough, which helped!!!.. i should rent them out!!!.. we went for a drink afterwards and my oldest son'Nathan and daughtet Tashie,it was nice to see them both,But when Darren is around it is immposible to have a conversation!!!..he wants all the attention on him, only talk about his concerns, he talks over other people,my kids are very patient with him, which makes me very proud! Ben never said a word,did a lot of flicking his fingers in my face,we have only been in there a few times, so it was not a familiar place to him, i think that makes him insecure.
We never made it to apologise to the lady Darren was rude too, he has seen her today and said sorry,she was not willing to accept it.Not sure what to do next.!!!sad to find out that ex-step daughter is upset about solicitors letter to her Dad,what can i do, just want to be left alone?... he won't take no for an answer, saw ex-stepson Lauries yesterday, just bumped into him,he was fine,no animosity from him! Its a shame because i really care about my step-kids,have known them since they were babies.Still friends with their Mum, although only see her about once every 3 yrs!
Send complaint to B.B.C. about the use of the offensive word'ret**d' on a t.v.show.

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