Thursday 8 November 2012


Today i am grateful to God that i did not let the 'rageosaurus' loose yesterday!!! was a close thing...!!!,( i spoke to the friend (sandra)yesterday about the whole talking the ex howard 'up', yesterday, i told her about the struggles i have been having,with being friends with her,i dont know how much sank in but she did say sorry,) i dont know if it was the right thing to do?,if God does not want me to be friends with her anymore? He will have to make it clear to me!!!... After that i got really upset,and wanted to get revenge, it is very hard to accept that this man can control my life even though i have cut him out as much as i can!,
Rage is understandable i suppose,i even wrote a letter to talk to some older Christians i know, but didn't send it!!....don't know what i hoped to get from this,maybe that they would talk to the Pastor of the Church i cant go to anymore,this man is a danger to women, and children, (he was violent to my 5 and 6yr old sons years ago), and yet my daughter chooses not to believe me,or my other daughter,who witnessed it,and has him look after my Grandson.
I cant seem to cut him out of my life entirely, even if i stop seeing my friends, he still goes to my daughters house,and i know he asks about me,my other daughter told me he used to ask about me all the time, and that his own daughter was sick to death as i was his only subject of conversation, she even hid when he came round to see her! (I have just had a delicious day-dream about going to my daughters house, and finding him there, and calling the Police to say he is dangerous to kids, the Police station is literally across the road from their house.....wonderful)....i dont seem to have any fight in me anymore...
So the only way to be sure i never see him again is to not go to my daughters house,it did not work, when i tried it before,may still have to happen.As it is i have to make an appointment to make sure he is not there when i do go there.I could make a lot more fuss, i could tell my daughters husbands ex wife how they let her 4 boys, be around a person who is dangerous to kids, and i have talked to the Authorities about this,they say there is nothing i can do, and i am sure view me as an Ex-wife trying to get revenge....It seems the Devil looks after His own,!! God knows what is best for my life, Praise Him!

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