Monday 19 November 2012


Today i am grateful to God for yet another confirmation that my Brother Mike is in Heaven,since i got born again and Baptised i have always wondered,one Day i was upset about it and i felt very Clearly God whisper into my spirit,'all who call on the name of the Lord are Saved' so i hoped it meant that before He had died he had called on God, i had even had a 'dream' seven days later from the hour he died, i had got very drunk, so had not really taken it seriously.I had seen Michael come racing up to me on His bike, i was in a countryside, with long rolling meadows, and distant mountains, he was about fifteen,(17, when he died), and he was so full of life and shone with health,or it could have been the light of God in him!. He told me what would happen to me in my life, which of course the memory  of has gone! What comforted me most was that he was in Heaven!
Tonight after another sleepless night i was just reading through my diary and found one from October 1975,the 4th, the day after his 14th birthday! he had been coming to the christian coffee bar with me,and told me first that although he believed God existed, he was not a christian, a few weeks later he told me he was!!!..., i got him a bible and he was brave enough to read it in front of our Parents!
I must have read this before, but must have just thought it was 'lip service' and how could i know he was really Born-again,God does not reject anyone who calls to Him! this is the best news, i have had for ages, definitely the best news i have had this Christmas season, its only about a week off a year until my Mum started to get ill and die, and although i always made an effort for my kids when they were small for Christmas,because Mike died on Christmas day 1978, i am usually pretty miserable this time of year! No more bah humbug!

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