Wednesday 16 May 2012

Another lesson from The Good Shepard

God is good!...ALL THE TIME! Praise Him. I have had a bad back, since Saturday or Sunday, and i was starting to worry why it was not going,'could it be that it is not my back, but my kidneys'? and had started to worry, and even told Sandra on the phone this morning that i would prob have to go to the Doctor! After speaking to her i prayed and asked God to take it away if it was the Enemy,( because it had stopped me going to the women's meeting last night), or if not that to show me what to do about it! Later i went outside, and on the way the answer came, that i had been fixing the lean-to roof outside, and had to lift it up to get support under it! So I had Lifted something heavy, and that's why my back is painful1 Thank you Lord for the answer,i just have to wait it out!
Yet again another lesson that i should be asking God FIRST before trying to answer things myself!!!..And of course i am letting the Enemy have the Victory because i have Missed out on the meeting!...i am pretty exasperated with Myself, the Lord has taught me this lesson before, yet i do it over and over, how do i remember this? Ask Him to remind me....

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