Monday 26 December 2011

Bah humbug

Very surprised to see that 41 people have viewed my blog today, and its only 8a.m here!!! really bemused, cant think my life would be that interesting to anyone.......
Mike insisted on spending the day alone yesterday, despite me asking him to come here,i rang him on Christmas Eve and said' what are you doing tommorow?' he said 'cleaning out the garage'!!!........he said he wanted a peaceful day!!! i really envy him, it felt like that line in that song'Ode to Billy-Joe' here yesterday,' i have been cooking all day and you hardly ate a thing'!!!..felt quite resentful at some points yesterday because i had asked for help,  buying the food and preparing none of course!! then just decided its just us womens life...ah me...
I did have help from my youngest son Joe on Christmas eve, cleaning,so should not be too ungrateful!
Feel a lot like Scrooge in Dickens work, at Christmas,not the meanness but the whole Xmas Humbug,once a year the rest of the world celebates my Saviour,how? by honouring Him and getting saved ?, by pagan feasting and drinking too much!...bah humbug!.....
Usually something happens and i get the christmas spirit, like Scrooge,not this year though, few tears for my Brother who died on Christmas day 78,and i suppose i did lose my Mum too this month, so should not be too hard on myself!! and on others!!! so had my oldest 'N' and Joe and Darren, who was sick cos he ate too quick, a first for me!! some one sick after my cooking!....

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