Tuesday 20 December 2011

Bombastic bullys 1 and stalkers

I have been thinking a lot about being bullied in the past,i dont want to have what our yankie friends call a pity party,i am more curious why its done,recently someone tried to bully me again,i let it go for a while, cos i am basically lazy,and made excuses not to be around the person, but circumstances meant i had to be around them, temporarily anyway. I have been researching,the reasons 'control freaks',are the way they are...mostly the conclusion is that they are basically very scared, insecure people who only feel safe when in control,and most of the advice is to avoid them like the plague!!!( a natural reaction)!!your mind is saying 'run, run . run!' I have been plagued with these people all my life, why are they attracted to me? even when i have chosen a friend who is diametrically opposite this when i first meet them they turn into this!!!!..it must be me!!or it could be the enemy of our souls is doing this..it has meant that i do feel scared to venture out,and make new friends,(as well as avoiding the stalker Ex) Well i will be writing more about what has been happening behind the scenes in the next week.

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