Wednesday 14 December 2011

Mike the mechanic

Mike been let out of the hospital for the night last night,he was so kind, he took my car and had the Battery changed, which i had only had for a month,i really couldnt cope with doing it, yesterday.He is so much better,as usual he has had to threaten to take themto a tribunal to chllenge the lenght of the Section (under the mental health act)
I have been having some aggavation from my Sister, which i am not going to go into now,i am finally able to forgive,(after three days) i was curious yesterday as to why it was happening, and then remembered the prayers about Emily,and it was if a light had been turned on!!..The enemy of our soul was not happy, we rattled his cage! Praise the Lord!
One good thing which has happened through all this is that i am now in contact with my Dad again,and my Ex-husband Mark (the good one)said that he had always thought' that your Dad was not such a bad guy, just a bit abrupt !!..) It was a revelation to me,as it was not something that could ever be said around my sister or Mum,i dont know if my Mum ever let go of her unforgiveness,she never stopped loving him,He has been married to someone else for over thirty years and seems happy, he and my Mum were never happy.
So i have let go of any unforgiveness that was left towards my Dad, and as my Mum said sorry for the way she treated me, i have forgiven her too, took a while, but i am there now!Praise Him...

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