Tuesday 8 March 2016

Mother's day

I have been reading back some of my posts from years ago and while the ones talking about the things of God are quite interesting to read,sometimes the ones talking about the events of that day are quite good to look back at, a friend called Ruth Davis used to put on facebook everyday what she was grateful for that day,i did do that for a while and i found that really interesting to look at too! So what has been happening today?, i went to town,with Ben, after it took me 3 hours to get him up, what finally got him out of bed was the threat that he wouldn't have any coke if he didn't get up when i wanted him too! i have been walking to town recently but today i took the car, an had to park on the street which cost £3.20,i was meeting Tash and giving her a lift home, because she had my mothers day present and card,she bought me some chocolate, a necklace and a bangle! very nice!always such a thoughtful, good girl..(She had wanted to come round yesterday but i was too embarassed because i am decorating and the house is upside-down).We went for an interview at the Job centre so i can sign back onto the dole,which was quick because they said i am not probably entitled to anything!!, we went to Macdonald's on the high street,to get Ben something to eat, then the pound shop, Ben went into his favourite shop, H.M.V, but didn't find anything he wants to buy,after dropping Tash off, we came home and took the dogs for a walk, Suki is still pulling quite badly, Spike didn't bark too much today because i took a newspaper, i don't have to hit him with it to keep him quiet, we were using a muzzle for a while but that's has gone missing in the upheaval for decorating! His barking can get every dog barking on the whole street, its like that film, 101 Dalmation's when the dogs are passing on the message that their pups have been stolen, and every dog is barking!

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