Thursday 25 April 2013

More Patience please

Today i am grateful to God because He gives me the ability to deal with difficult people,to have patience,and although sometimes these annoying people do try my patience and i bite back, He still forgives me!
i had a rather disturbing dream about my Ex last night, despite trying to think the other day that i hardly ever dreamt about him,!! i was doing various things surrounded by a group of people who were physically very close to me and someone was touching my thigh area,but so many people were pressed up against me, that i did not notice, but later i knew it was him, he was getting closer in each part of the dream until he was almost in my face,he had started being very unobtrusive,until i shouted at him to get away,i was not scared or even annoyed by him, being so obvious!!!...Maybe God was telling me that he really is just not part of my life anymore,and i don't have to worry, and whatever he thinks or believes, its his problem, just because i am the object of his obsession,its not my problem!!!

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