Sunday 28 April 2013


Today i am grateful to God, for the many blessings He gives us, i was watching David Pawson, a Christian teacher, who was saying the God is not the loving God to all, as some people say,in fact He only LOVES the righteous, those who believe in Him, have repented and try to live right afterwards, And that those who say how could a Loving God....let humans die in horrific bomb blasts,allow child abuse,or any Innocents suffer? are in fact NOT reading the Bible properly, because tells His servants to wipe out whole races in the Old Testament....
He held up His Bible showing the front edge,'does it have finger marks right across' he said! ( which of course means that we should be reading the whole Bible and not just the New Testament, He is the same God after all, was His point, although some believers don't acknowledge that , i think i said before that a Pastor in this town speaking in a debate about Homosexuality,said that the prohibition was the old 'Mosiac Law' (Moses and the Ten commandments), as if somehow that was less Valid!... and of course we all know that Sodomy was condemned in the new testament too, in fact equated on the same level as Bestiality..
I am not one of those believers who would condemn anyone, I am a Sinner too,in fact as i have said before i knew a wonderful Lesbian called Michelle, who was more Christ like than many of the Christian i knew at the time....
The Willow tree has gone, cut right down to the ground, from being a 20-20 foot tree, overshadowing mine and the neighbours gardens,felt a bit bad about it, but as my garden is only 15 feet wide, and about 30 feet long it was unmanageable, i can get the rest of it cleared now,exciting!
I am hoping to make it to to Bikers church today,God willing,which is the only church i cant wait for, i have to force myself to go to any other church, although the Bible does not say 'thou shalt attend a church every Sunday and be bored solid during a 'sermon', It does say in fact, 'do not neglect the GATHERING together' which i don't, and to be Honest i don't really believe in the modern model of church, after reading the excellent book by Bob Tench,called i think, 'Gods City',
He talks about a Man not unlike Pilgrims progress, who is looking for the City of God, Abraham did too if i remember correctly,He finds what He at first considers to be Gods City, but feels unsatisfied,so goes on in His journey.Bobs point being of course that we are never really satisfied in 'Churchianity' if we are seeking God,He even goes on to say, we cant find God there, because He isn't there!!!...
He believes that the true model of church is as the early church was, meeting in homes, everyone feeling free to share,'one would bring a Psalm,one a word', and 'a little child shall lead them' most kids are separated, from the main body of people,He says that when the Emperor Constantine,became a believer, He kicked out the Pagans, and the temples were handed over to the Believers,so church became the same set out as school, and only one person can contribute.
Of course i have had some bad experiences in Church, so anyone reading this could say 'well my church isn't like that, we feel genuinely cared for by the Pastor, and our brothers and Sister, we can share our heart in the meetings',that's fine of course, but my experience is that unless you are a VERY forceful personality, who will share, despite others, (Like Mike, God bless Him)!!! we come away from church , not feeling like its satisfying,and our need to share too not met.

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