Tuesday 7 August 2012

Slip sliding away.....the unwanted and shunned

Today i am grateful to God for,not seeing the Ex, Howard, around anywhere for 5 weeks! that's got to be a record, the longest period for years, of course it is because i don't go to the church, or Mikes house anymore! a small price to pay, i was very amused to hear that an ex friend had 'slipped' with the old lady that has been obsessed with him for 20 years,not nice of me, not nice at all,!!... and of course it may not be true! ( but because he feels able to morally judge others!!!)
The 'old lady' challenged Sandra in town, and started shouting at her,as she hates any woman who dares to be around him,especially when Sandra told her he had been at the meeting,16 miles away,(where Elizabeth had said there should be reconciliation )
,The 'Old Lady' then said 'i didn't know about this' as if she is entitled to know everything!! but then if it is true, about the 'slip' its understandable,he is very wrong to keep going back to her for physical comfort when he has no intention of having relationship with her, its not fair on her, he knows she has feeling for him.Its his life,and his choice....(and she has been banned from the church, mainly because she keeps telling the Pastor the details of what goes on between them (sexually)!!, he just says she should not let him in,and he had started to get a very haunted look!!!.., poor guy cant sit down before she makes a bee-line for him!!!..)
I spent most of yesterday helping Joe and his girlfriend to move,from her one bedroom flat to a small bedsit.It was Bob's funeral yesterday, Darren did not want to go,so we sat and looked at pictures of Bob,and Prayed, and thanked God for his life.

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