Monday 8 March 2021

More precious than rubies

Thats me! and every other Wife, i loved my husbands like they were pure Gold,they were so precious to me,i respected them , i put them first before me, and thanked God for them often, i gave them their right to be the protector of the house, and i know without the slightest doubt that this is true, i saw them as Christ to me, because that is what God requires of me! The "Bible tells me so"! I wanted to look up to my Husband as my protector, and did that, it was not given unwillingly, I respected them... PROVERBS 3.15 KING JAMES VERSION " She is more precious than Rubies:and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared to Her" Strong words! I Am so happy to know thats how God sees Women, before and when they become Wives,so all the people that say the Bible is anti women are wrong,i love to see the way a Dad protects his daughter, i was watching the movie taken yesterday, not the whole thing because it was too violent, but clips. The begining with the famous "i will find you"speech, and at the end when he rescues his daughter , who has been kidnapped and abused, he is holding a gun, and the man about to Rape her, has a knife to her throat, i know that at that moment her father is the only man she trusts,all girls want their Dads to save them. I saw a Dad interviewed who had seen someone kidnap his daughter,and pulled into a car, just an ordinary man, not famous...he ran over gardens , through fences, and got to the car, and pulled her out! An amazing man! Yes! of course he was,but he was just a Dad. My Heavenly Father is better than that Dad,stronger, more Powerful,He gave that ordinary Dad that protective instinct, it all comes From Him! In this world at the moment it is a confusing time, women are being not respected, we have to go into changing rooms where men are,so we dont go into them, a womans only choice for bathrooms/toilets are multi sex/gender, so women go to a small toilet and queue for a long time to feel safe,in a building across a road. A gym i used to go to had womens showers, separate from the mens, but only with a curtain separating them...they were never used...

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