Monday 7 December 2015

No one expects the Spanish inquisition....

I have been reading some interesting stuff about Rape,it was written by a man, and i found it through a link on Captain Awkward's website,i found i was still thinking of Rape mistakenly in terms of stranger Rape or Date Rape, which was really illuminating to me, when of course most Rapists are known to the Victim, mostly a trusted friend of the family, or a family member...The Author was saying that men should challenge their friends who "joke" about it or even boast that they have sexually assaulted.I find that i have to research this unpleasant subject, i don't really know why either!..maybe its because it one of the things that Abusers do, it all part of the whole VILE package!, that we are subjected to when we know an Abuser, along with Stalking,and Gaslighting!!! When i started out my adult independent life this was the last thing i would be expecting to be writing about now! but no woman expects this to be her life,all relationships start with good intentions, all women would ferociously deny that the man they love would ever hurt them, let alone Rape, and Stalk, and Gaslight, but as we all know , Abusers don't let us see their true nature until we have fallen under their demonic"spell". We all act better than we are at first in a relationship, but when we trust enough not to be on out best behaviour, is when the trap is sprung! One day we find up we have signed up for all this horrific stuff, and it takes a while to untangle ourselves.

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