Thursday 8 January 2015

We are all "Jean Hatchet"( from Twitter)

It been quite a day about news from the convicted rapist Ched Evans in the U.K, it started the day with the likley-hood that he was going to be given a Footballing contract with a club called Oldham Athletic, they have rethought it and now the negative publicity and mostly the money they are going to lose,made them change their mind, then the Footballer Ched Evans has at last issued an apology of sorts,(which was one point that was annoying people as he seemed completely without remorse) what now? As Christian is that the end of the matter?...he has served half of his 5 year sentence...many, many people have said he has "paid the price" The excellent Jill Saward an anti rape campaigner, has spoken out about it many times, and her blog today has been talking about the name "MOB" which those who disagree with the public outcry, (and specifically the online Petition by Feminist Jean Hatchet (which has been the fastest growing petition online ever in this country) ARE CALLED, free speech is "god" to them, until they disagree with someone else's freely epressed opinion...then the name calling starts.Most women are silent on the blog calling the names, all the answering comments are by men..supporting the name calling of course...They must be brothers ,fathers,uncles....Do they think a drunk relative of theirs deserves to be raped because she would have been incapable to give consent?... My mind goes back to Stephanie Slaters father,who said her Kidnapper need not have raped her because she behaved, and gave him no trouble... "did everything he asked of her" were his exact words....a strange thing to say which really leaves me cold, so would she deserve to be raped if she didnt do what he asked of her? Stephanie herself has said her Parents were unable to talk about emotions, so i don't want to condemn a man who was not able to express himself better...

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