Monday 12 May 2014

"Yahweh" very loudly in MacDonalds!!

I have been looking back at my posts to see if i have ever written about this, cant find it anywhere so if i already have i do apologise...... I was sitting in the Macdonalds in town, a few yers ago,with Ben surrounded my about 6 people, and a person went past and shouted very loudly "Yahweh" one else seemed to notice, or even hear it, Ben is a very jumpy person, who reacts to loud noises, and yet no reaction!!, i stared at the man, with open mouth, and as he went past the huge window,he saw me, and RAISED HIS HANDS,in a gesture of,why do you think i wouldnt do that!!BUT it could have also been the upturned geture i use for Praising God during worship... a strange thing to happen...but it was not the last time i saw him, next time was about a month later, i was inside a shop on the same hill in town waiting for Ben while he looked at electronic games, he went past in the crowd just outside,i saw him once more, but i cant remember the details.He was an ordinary looking Man with reddish hair and beard, a checked jacket (plaid the americans call it) and brownish trousers,quite smartly dressed! I beieve he was an Angel, sent to protect me,He may even be MY guardian Angel, having spiritual discernment means sometimes i feel oppressed by he enemy, and His servants in certain places, and that Hill where the manin street is has very Demonic evil feeling about it sometimes...

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