Friday 23 May 2014

Sleeping with the enemy! naming the abusers

I have just read Pat Craven (the freedom programme)new blog entry, " common excuses for murdering women", quite sobering as they are all one I HAVE PERSONALLY heard being said to me!, by the violent men i know, Jon and Howard,(i am not buying into the not naming lie) Jonathan Peter Mulcahy,24.02.1969 and Howard Seymour Shellard 26.01.56 are the "heroes" names!!! Of course it is part of the de-humanising of the victims as Pat has said before in the film, "sleeping with the enemy" Pat showed how he was winding himself up delibrately to justify the violence he was planning to do! sad,escpecially when they claim as Jon did, that " i cant stop myself, i have no control" Liar liar, in his excellent book lUNDY bANCROFT, "WHY DOES HE DO THAT", he is a counsellor who spent a lot of time with violent men,he says they plan the incidents of violence, and enjoy it." I remember once Jon strutting up and down ranting, occasionally, punching me,Ben who was a baby got scared of him and started to cry,so he picked him up,"switched" it off, then when he had calmed Ben down,then like a switch turning it back on!!and went back to strutting and punching....he made a really big mistake that day because that was a turning point for me,i knew that despite everything he said,he COULD CONTROL HIMSELF!!!... he was lying, a LIAR,and that he was doing it delibrately!!..

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