Monday 17 June 2013

Life is good

Today i am grateful to God, for a really nice day yesterday,we took the two dogs to the Sunday market, and they did bark at other dogs, 9which was quite annoying 0but behaved well, then we took them for a long walk across some huge Playing fields which they loved,i had spoken the day before to a Breeder who was asking about them and why they were always barking and it inspired me to take them out and give them a Chance to behave, so i am glad they did, when they are away from me Gizmo did play with another bigger dog,only one small bark, but not aggressively! i was really pleased with them.
So the lesson i think God wanted me to learn from this, that even though things may have always happened a bad way in the Past doesn't mean change cant happen, if i am willing to 'step into' a new attitude, and give it a chance!
The Lord has me and Mike getting involved in the local Christian Motorcyclists Association,and Biker church, i have wanted to get involved with it for years,so i am really glad that i have a new direction, which the Lord has given me.
It was my birthday last week, and we all went out except for Joe and Daisy, and they clubbed together and got me a Kindle, i read the first book in 8 hours!, we went to the caravan for two nights and even though it rained almost all the time it was really great to be there, really life is really good for me at the moment.God is good, there is only one thing which worries me and that's Mike, he is sleeping again all day and is really quiet, Eddy in prison asked Mike to go and get something for a friends daughter, which he did not want to trust to the post, so Mike travelled 5and a half hours, to get it for Him, i did warn him that after Mike came back last time he slumped into a decline, Eddy said very selfishly ' hes always stay in bed' really showing a contempt for Mike. i don't want to be right, i just want Mike to be his old self again.
I went to a meeting to pray for Isreal at a town 12 miles or so away and at the last minute the scam artist came,i was friendy enough to her, but she looked 'daggers' at me,apparently she wants an apology from me, about what i dont know, for telling the truth? but not wanting Mike treated badly and bled dry? NEVER going to happen,i care about Mike too much.

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