Thursday 12 July 2012


Today i am grateful for a supernatural God, who communicates in strange ways to us,i had a nice dream last night,i was in a different house,i was moving into, i think there were some family there,the house still had the stuff of the person who lived there before.(I have often had dreams about secret rooms full of antique furniture,usually these dreams mean i am moving into a new phase in my life.)
The interesting part to me is the junk left behind,what is God saying here? first sight it seems to be stuff left from my past, but it was NOT my stuff?...very strange...!!!..
In the natural i never want to leave the house i live in! i have been worried about what will happen to me when i am old, will i have to get one of those awful stair lifts!.i dread the thought of a 'care' home,.I have been worried about the future, about Ben's future,and who will take care of him.
As a believer i have been expecting the Return of Jesus,and every thing that is Prophesied in the book of Revelation,knowing that the World would change and monetary systems collapse, now it seems to be happening i am scared!!! Very disobedient because the Bible says 'Fear not' when these events happen!! I actually avoid anything about it on Christian T.v,but maybe that's o.k, because it makes me fear so its best to avoid it anyway! I know God is in control,just have to keep reminding myself!

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