Friday 20 July 2012


Today i am grateful for,Our God who loves us even when we mess up, miss the point,and go the wrong way! also for wonderful friends who want to fellowship and Pray, and the ones who don't want to anymore, because they are being drawn away bu the Enemy,to still love and pray for them too!
We came back from the Caravan on Wednesday,it rained and rained,some much rain lately that the field was turning into mud,after walking in the same place more than once it was just mud, and that was on the side of the hill! the ground cannot absorb any more water,on the Tuesday night it was very Misty, we could not see the other side of the field, the electric point half way across the field were invisible too!
We had a meeting with Sandra and Darren yesterday,we prayed about being so thankful that God has brought us through some very bad stuff,life threatening in some cases,but most of all that Sandra's missing son would be found.

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