Tuesday 10 July 2012


today i am grateful for a wonderful Saviour who gave His life for me,this is the most important thing that has ever happened in the History of this planet, and because the rest of the unsaved world would reject this, does not make it any less true, and one day when we all stand before God, they will know that they were wrong,but it will be too late.so sad....so many going to a lost eternity.
My land line has been off for 5 days,its back now but i have missed the phone the most i have felt really cut off from the world..Ben has missed the Internet most, i have had someone hack into my email, which is very annoying!
Yesterday i was trying not to say anything bad about people did not last very long though,Joe was talking about how annoyed he was with someone we both know, and i soon slipped back into bad habits, i was puzzled about this and asked the Lord to not fell angry when i heard people names who have treated me badly,He has helped me with the Ex,its good not to feel the anger at just his Name! a few otherr people i need to think of too!
 My Dad for instance, i have had to rethink all my memories and thoughts about him, i was too influenced by others, i knew my Dad was not the Evil person they made Him out to be, but because i am lazy i let them get to me.He was an angry, quite a scary person when i was younger,but he has told me that he had been tricked into marriage, and was always angry with himself for that, how can i judge him?, i have been divorced twice,cheated, and been cheated on. I have not done anything he hasn't, but i don't want to be judged harshly, so why did i judge him?
Of course it is easy to blame the other parent, my Mum,we did have a difficult relationship,and she did say sorry for that, although it cant have been all her fault,i always got on better with my Dad. Mum said once 'because of what you and your Dad were to each other' (she was going to stay away from my wedding so he would come.)

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