Wednesday 22 February 2012

Bricks. poop.and rushes.

Yesterday i watched something on t.v about Stalkers,one woman had been shot dead,they are trying to introduce a better law,at the moment its just done under the 'Harasment Law'. It was a mistake to watch it, just wound me up,felt too upset to do anything the rest of the day, i was planning all sorts of things to do to the Ex,Dog poop through his letterbox, ringing his work to say how dangerous he is to kids and women,(he raped me), bricks through his window.
This only lasted  a few hours, mainly after i appealed to the Lord for help....He never lets me down, Praise Him,i however did let Him down by letting myself get into such a state,completely gave into the Enemy.....I suppose that i do feel really scared that he will kill me one day,and the whole unjustness of him always getting away with it.Bullies do win, BUT NOT FOR EVER.....i know i am protected by God and His Angels,nothing happens to me that He does not allow.I belong to God, glory to Him.
I know that going to the Police, about the Rape,and him 'stalking me',which they would not do anything about just set me up to fail, and it was not of course Gods will.It just made the situation worse,and harder for me to handle.
Most of the websites said that re-acting or replying to anything they do gives them a pleasure rush, and hope that if they continue they will get more,like the mis-behaving child, any attention is good attention!...I have to just keep going,its been since the end of July, 7 months now. I know it is coming to the end soon,Lord give me the strength to get through it!!!...

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