Tuesday 7 February 2012

Babies and bullies

Never know what i am supposed to write, usually no plan when i start to write, which of course is not the right way to do things at all! it should be planned out!! My Ex Howard, was having lunch at Mikes and got into an argument with Angelo, mikes house mate,Howard was nasty when Angelo said he would like to have some more kids, he has 6 already! The Ex told him he was too old and could not look after them properly!( this from a man who has NEVER brought up any of his own kids, and was violent to mine!) speaking to a man who works hard every hour he can to provide for his children....HYPOCRITE  .. HYPOCRITE.!
The sad thing of course is that Nicky Mikes friend, does not want to go round there again because she has bad nerves and 'can't take the aggravation'. And its not a good witness to her of what Christians should be....but i am not allowed to interfere by the Lord, but it does really show me this man has not changed since he "got born again", in fact i think he is worse...i have known him for 33yrs!!...(I am really trying not to get any satisfaction out of this, but it hard, but when Nicky said what happened i didn't say what he had done to me,which i was quite proud of, except of course, it was not me at all so Glory to God!!!)

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