Tuesday 15 November 2016

Still waiting for healing for Helen

Helen choked on Friday night and just as Brian was dialing the paramedics it cleared.....poor Brian so much for him to cope with, and poor Helen,who is still in there, all the info on motor neuron disease say that the Brain is not affected...it seems so cruel...and like Forrest Gump that's all i want to say about that...
Helen is a wonderful kind loving person, the Holy Spirit just shines right out of her,, i love her so much,she is the ideal Christian woman, someone so much to look up too,i have never heard her say a nasty thing about anyone... Its so awful to see her going through this..i still cry every day, i am typing this now with tears running down my cheeks...Phil their son said on Facebook that he longs to hear her say 'cup of tea love?'just an ordinary thing she has probably said thousands of times to him,he misses her voice.
I have put my favourite video on face book, its just a few seconds long, Helen dancing at a show, it was run by Christain churches who all got together to show the church off to the local community,she is dancing to 'just want to praise you' by Mary Mary,cant hear her voice but she seems so full of life, and so happy.
I haven't given up hope that She will be healed, i believe God has given me that promise.. I am too upset to write anymore

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