Wednesday 12 February 2014

Sola Scriptorum.

Im still rather Puzzled by someones reply,Steve Finnell, the only follower i have! he has many many more!If you look at the reply comment he left it actually seems to have nothing to do with what i was talking about! 'less than Human' entry yesterday...very strange, he say on his blog that the book of 'mormon should be read'does this mean he is a latter day saint, its very difficult to tell unless he is willing to Engage with me, apart from a Barage of Scripture,i do engage with others with different beliefs to me.I have read up about what Mormons (Latter day Saints ) believe, and i am not impressed at all,Joseph Smith the founder, was a Criminal, its well documented in many courts in the U.S,they used to believe that Black people went to a lower part of heaven than whites,that women cannot be saved unless they were married,and what to me is most disturbing, that Jesus is the brother of Satan..They are entitled to their beliefs,but i have my beliefs and do not wish to change!I believe in Sola scriptorum, by scripture alone. I would not call myself a 'keyboard Evangelist ' as he does,i am not called as an Evangelist! if anything i just want to document my daily life,but mostly the struggles that God brings me through, and i guess my learning process of depending more on God everyday,i write it for me,and i know it is public,if anyone wants to share it with me they are welcome to read it too!as you are now! I welcome comments,but dont want to be preached at, i dont preach at others, so i expect the same courtesy! I am interested in others everyday stories,the ones where they learn from their mistakes in their walks with God.God bless everyone who reads my Story! xx

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