Tuesday 22 January 2013


Today i am grateful to God for the truth of His word, the Bible,and the blessing it is to me every time i open it, Praise Him
Today the core belief i have is Hell, i had planned to talk about something else, but i think God wants me to talk about this very difficult and painful subject,i have been close to death quite a few times, and have had visions of Hell, its real place, real people are there, suffering in the fire that is never quenched.
Before i was saved i thought of Hell as the place where people partied all the time, i just laughed at the idea of eternal punishment, but just because i didn't believe in it did not stop it being real!
I saw hideous monsters, tormenting,beating, eating the flesh of those there,massive caverns full of pools of fire, souls trying to escape and being pushed back in by evil creatures, some with great horns,bodies of animals, like red scaly bodies, some looked like huge crabs, scorpions,huge bulbous bodies.They laughed as they did it, saying 'you deserve to be here' they hated human beings,every cruel evil weapon was used.,no-one was spared their spite.Flesh grew back on bones,only to be scorched and burned off again.
I am glad i will never return there,i have had visions of Heaven too.I will talk about that too, later on.
When i was in hospital, in Intensive care,with a life threatening Asthma attack,i was pregnant with my oldest son, about 8 wks. I remember drifting off into unconsciousness, every time i did i was running in a race for my life, i always just made it,i woke up and asked the nurse not to let me go back,'go where?' she asked.I worked out afterwards that there were five of these races, as if i was running these almost impossible races for each of my children!!! I was being chased by Monsters in the races,which i saw later in Hell, why did God allow this, i was a Christian, but not born again?
I am a lazy person, was God saying 'i would have to fight hard for my Kids later on? In the book the 'T he Horse and His boy' by C.S.Lewis,there is a part at the end where someone is chased by a Lion,it must be the Horse, who runs as fast as he could,but then goes into higher gear, faster than he ever thought he could go,and a wise person says to him,' you were going as fast as YOU THOUGHT you could go, NOT AS FAST AS YOU COULD GO!..and of course we know who the Lion is in those books... maybe God knew i would not fight hard for my life,but i would for the baby inside, and the others to come! It was a very unpleasant experience,one of the worst ever i have had.
Hell is not separation from God, as some believe, the Bible says it is a real Place,in the centre of the Earth, dont go there, cry out to God now,ask Him to forgive the bad stuff you have done,and ask Him into your life, He will never let you down.

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