Sunday 9 September 2012

Victim blaming

Today i am grateful for my God who is a just, and fair Judge.i am quite annoyed today after at the back of a shelf i found a small booklet called 'domestic abuse, how to help', written by well intentioned christian counsellors, all MEN!! after several well meaning phrases such as 'they' (abused) may feel like they contributed to the war' 'she has some power to subdue it' ( the violence),' the most annoying is,'wield their tongue in ways that GOAD to violence'.... Surely there is never an Instance where Violence against a weaker person is justified,NEVER A REASON for violence. It is VICTIM BLAMING again. (Maybe i should call myself a'domestic violence activist',like my sister,who calls herself a' disability rights activist', who in reality is just a vicious housewife with a platform, twitter,and yet treats those in her close family who are disabled like dirt, and get myself on television, supposedly speaking for the down trodden!!!! I actually have experience to talk about!!....maybe thats been done to death...and no-one is taken in by it...i am not interested in fame though,or think i am entitled to tell other people what to do!!or be controlling!!......

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