Sunday 30 September 2012

Battle Cry

Today i am grateful for my God who protects us, always, even when we do the wrong thing, or Sin....

Today i know without a doubt that the 'Battle truly belongs to the Lord', we are soldiers,the minute we become Born again we enter the Battle,the enemy knows we have changed sides, and we become Soldiers in a Strange Land, what was once so familiar to us, we see now with new eyes,it is now the enemy's land, Jesus called Him the Prince of this world.
How can we sing the Lords song in a Strange Land?...the Prince may be out to get us, but King is our Father,He always Has the victory.
When i first Knew the Lord i used to see a picture of a square squad of Soldiers waiting, just standing waiting?.., as i went on with Him i was given a Spiritual Sword,and saw myself as one of the Soldiers!!
It Puzzled me why they were just standing, waiting and not in the Battle?.. until i saw in Ephesians 6 where it talks about putting our Armour on,and then it says 'and having done all, stand'.

I have read in other places,i cant remember where that once we are Born again, and have our Armour on, we are fighting Battles in our Spirit,which we don't know about in our Physical world,the Lord is using us to fight!!! and that is why we wake up sometimes and are really tired......I think it was in one of Rebbecca Browns books.

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