Saturday 17 June 2017

59 years old

Its my birthday on Monday...59 years old!! oh my goodness i remember when i thought 25 was old!! I have had a stressful day, and i have only been at home! I have been trying to get my landline provider to change my Number, but they wont...EVEN WHEN I OFFERED TO PAY!!
We did a biker breakfast event at a Pub bout 25 miles away, WE GAVE OUT QUITE A FEW BIBLES,Praise God!! i may have been over reacting, or hypersensitive about upsetting my friends,they are either super forgiving, or i blew it all out of that was a few days of worrying for no reason, what a waste of time!
The Enemy has been trying to get to me, and sometimes he has suceeded! But not always we have another biker breakfast tomorrow,it is sad that BRIAN and Helen can't be there but I may not have to go alone because a lovely South African lady from church may go too, she is called Kaye, and is a wonderful evangelist, in fact everyone says she is the female version of BRIAN as an evangelist!i can't remember if I said before but a man from the Netherlands came to the Lord through a conversation he had with BRIAN at the biker church we had in the local biker church a year and a half ago.

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