Monday 4 May 2015


Yes the enemy of our souls is trying to pull me down.. to get me to give up on the Lord,but with His strength He will bring me through this trial as He has done with all the other things, that have been thrown at me through my life, i reject the thought that Satan has planted that i have "Victim" tattooed on my forehead!!! I don't,The Lord is what matters, and telling others about Him and His goodness and forgiveness to us all!! Yes two of my children have betrayed, one by stealing,and the other by choosing my Violent ex-husband Howard,over me, (NOT her Dad,, whatever he says), yes i spent a few days in a "pity party", but the Enemy will not have the Victory in my family!!He is already a defeated foe, on the Cross, and his days are numbered! Hallelujah!!

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