Saturday 21 March 2015

Eclipse,equinox and sleeping well!!

It was the eclipse yesterday, and the spring eqinox, and a super moon!! whatever that is!!..,things went a bit crazy here in the U.K...hundreds of thousands of people went outside to look at the Eclipse, which actually no-one can see with the naked eye anyway!!...such a non event.. it just went a bit dull and cloudy, there was an eerie sort of yellow light at the same time too.Now no one cares about that anymore becuse its the Rugby finals now so everyone is focused on that, oh the fickleness of us humans! I am sleeping a lot better now, except on tuesday/wednesday night when neither Ben or i could sleep i have been trying to find out whar celestial event was happening that night to cause us both not to sleep at all, very strange,I was on the point of going to the "Throneroom" i.e making a formal request to the Lord to stop the attack of the Enemy,i was going to read the book of Nahum in the house (which is the spiritual warfare book to read to force the Enemy to retreat, but i didnt do that either, God is good,ALL THE TIME!

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