Thursday 5 February 2015

Better off in Eygpt?

As usual i am sitting here with no iea what to write!!..Last night OF COURSE when i was lying in bed. unable to sleep i had planned exactly what to say!! and to talk about in the meeting on Monday night....ahh coming back to me now, i was reading the bible study for yesterday (in my one year bible, because my ipad was dead AS USUAL,) and my phone need charging, so i couldn't read it on the daily email!! It was Exodus just before the Lord gives them the ten commandments,Moses has gone up Mount Sinai and has ordered them to gather at the Bottom,they are told not to go up the mountain,to wash themselves and their clothes,...and the trumpeting starts, and gets louder and louder!! to the point where it is deafening,He then gives out the rules for life, the Commandments, what struck me most though that this wasn't long after they had left Eygpt.So they had seen the Red sea Part, they had heard the HEAVENLY trumpeting, and yet they were still moaning that they would be better off in slavery in Eygypt!!! SO after seeing the miracles how could they challenge the Will of God? and doubt His care for them?? Later Moses gets so exasperated with them that he loses His temper, which causes him not to be allowed to enter the Promised land, which leads me to another thought.Moses spent his entire life outside the promised land which was supposed to be flowing with "milk and honey"...he spent most of his life in Eygpt, and the lands of the un-believers, and yet because of the burning bush,He had turned to the Lord, we are the same because most of the countries we live in claim to be "Christian",we are very much in an un-believing word, and yet his faith was amazing!!

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