Monday 9 February 2015

Floorboards and loving relationships

I have been replacing some floorboards in my Victorian terrace house,and thinking about the lessons the Lord was teaching me at the same time,back to C.S.Lewis, and his in between places again,he talks about it in the book"the magicians nephew",the children go into the attic of their Victorian terrace, through which they can access some of the other houses, and instead of getting into another one they get into the Uncles Room by mistake, where he experiments on them by sending them to an "in between wood" full of pools which takes them into other worlds, the place is described as not really existing in time but almost a stopping of time, and not being a part of the worlds at all, like the attic above their houses,not a place where anything happens,but connecting all.
This made me think of these tiny insects, smaller than a grain of rice, that have been eating away in the floor underneath me, for the 30 years I have lived here and all the others who lived here in the past 120 years, it's like Sin,it's there working away silently undermining us,
I have to go to the Lord many times and pray that HE will take away the Sin I have forgotten,the bad thoughts about Howard,the everyday irritations, that instead of bringing to the Cross,I don't take captive,and it's there working away!I commented on a blog about a book I read years ago, "Women who love too much",I couldn't remember much about it except the phrase "today I am choosing to" which was a sort of stock phrase to use when we were trying to not react to someone else's unjust actions, not taking responsibility for them.
I found it again today but the most remarkable part was a description of a normal supporting relationship, both ways anyway! The man was interested in her well being supportive, of her interests, always there to rely on! Amazing stuff!! "I remember Howard once saying he "would let me" do a course.....LET ME ...LET ME! Now I let myself,I let myself thrive, survive, be free to do what I want when I want, and one of those freedoms is NOT TO HAVE HIM around, how ever many times he try's!!Praise God for His Love and freedom!

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