Tuesday 24 December 2013

Re-writing History,Hearsay, and Forgiveness!! 'tidings of bitterness and lies, bitterness and lies'

Yesterday was the 23rd December,the day in 1978 that my brother was taken into hospital,my Mums birthday,also the day Mike was conceived, she told me!! she was 45,Mike was suffering from a heart condition,Primary Pulmonory Hypertension,he died on Christmas day,just two days later, at 17 it was cruel to lose him so young,Dad had brought him an Antique Chess set, and just opening it early had sent him into a fit of coughing.....so now 35 years later,My Mum has died,Mike has Died,my Dad lives far away and is 80 himself soon,and i have Five very healthy children,God is good all the time,He gets us through. all the time, i am not going to let some lies told about my family upset me this year, i know that the ones who are gone would agree with me,Mike loved Christmas,He loved my Mum and Dad, My Mum loved my Dad till the Day she died, and i wont let anyone I love be airbrushed out of History!!, i was there i saw it,i didn't get it secondhand!..
Its very un-Christ like of me i know,but there are very un-pleasant relations of mine i would like to air-brush out!! (well only one actually)...Why cant they let go and forgive? Life is too short!!
Unfortunately, we can choose out friends,but not our family!,and those that chose to live their lives full of bitterness and un-forgiveness,are very sad, life is to be lived now!,My Mum forgave, she did not let a bitter divorce ruin the rest of her life,she had better things to do,she knew how important forgiveness is,just as those who have to forgive their husbands infidelity FORGIVE to keep the family together!..so many things are more important than nursing bitterness and anger for our whole lives! Especially when it is on someone else's behalf,only hearing one side of the argument,and not actually having been there, and lived through it..... so the Bombastic bullies live on to ride another day and try to re-write History....so sad,a Judge in a court would not take 3rd party Hearsay as truth, neither should anyone else! even the ones my Dad calls the 'Wicked Witch of the west'..Happy and Blessed Christmas to everyone out there!

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