Monday 9 December 2013

Criminals,forgiveness and His perfect world.

Today i have joined some domestic abuse pages on facebook,it is really hard to read them sometimes, and i am not sure if it is a good thing to do because my life has moved on, and sometimes it can leave me feeling troubled, a lovely lady called Terry Loving,(very apt name), runs a site called the Spiritual side of domestic violence, and i know it can take its toll on her, she is really helping people out there who may not have told anyone about their hellish home-life,i try to encourage her, and in my own small way encourage others who are suffering too,mostly i tell them what Jesus has done for me,by setting me free from un-forgiveness, and therefore not allowing the Criminals to keep on affecting my life,I am free,i will have to finish my testimony sometime.
Its all glory to God,while watching a young 20 yr old's You tubes video about her sexual abuse, by her step father, i was troubled when she said "God had allowed me to go through it for a reason", i don't think God allow's these crimes to happen, its not a learning experience, she had felt angry with God, and justifyingly so if that's her Mindset.
I believe that God does know when every piece of abuse happens,He took me through every incidence of abuse on very Painful night and showed me He was there, and asked me to forgive the criminals who tried to victimise me, they CHOSE IT, God DID NOT plan this world to be like this, so full of abusers, rapists, murderers etc, He planned a world where nothing bad happens,but He gave us a choice to Love Him freely,we, (Adam and Eve)chose to use their free will to disobey God, and the world we live in now is the result. God never allows bad things to happen to us,He never Punishes us,we step out of His protection, and we live in a fallen Evil world, BUT THIS WILL NOT LAST FOR EVER,JESUS IS COMING BACK, AND WE WILL HAVE A PERFECT WORLD.

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