Monday 11 February 2013


Today i am grateful to God for the Salvation He gives me,My God died for me, no other religion or Faiths can say that!..

So my subject today is Salvation, i want to explain what it means to me and what i understand it to be,we are all sinners, which mean we deserve to go to Hell,in the old testament animals were killed to atone, or pay for the sin of the People,they had to use a perfect spotless beast to Kill,(the phrase Scapegoat comes from this,one was killed for sin and the other was allowed to go free, escape.)
Because Jesus lived but never sinned He was called the Lamb of God, a perfect sinless sacrifice.
When Jesus gave up His life willingly, He paid the Price for us all, so we don't have to, He paid it for us.
That is the basic Biblical view,how it is explained.

Its a shame but the unsaved believe that they will go to Heaven, and their unsaved family are there waiting for them,its not what the Bible says, even those who believe in God do not automatically go there,everyone who goes there must be saved, born again, this is what the Bible says,just because some one thinks they are good, does not qualify them for Heaven.
Of course not every one who calls themselves Christian believes that, the Catholic church tells its followers the just by attending the church you are guaranteed entry to Heaven!, its a lie,but they believe that a Man, the Pope,is the final Authority on everything, not the Bible, its very sad,millions will go to a lost eternity.

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