Saturday 24 March 2012

sola scriptorum

At the prayer meeting last night we were discussing re-marriage,as a King James reader Mike and i believe what the Bible says, and live by it, in other words 'sola scriptorum',(bible alone),our friend a divorced lady in her 40's who was forced against her will into an arranged marriage at sixteen, talking about a young man who at 25 has just come to the Lord,he is divorced,and now has a girlfriend.
In Mathew 19  Jesus clearly says that 'he who marries a woman put away(divorced) by her husband commits fornication by re-marrying.Her response was a 'loving God would not want L(the young convert) to live alone the rest of his life' My question is, would God go against the very words of Jesus,NO NO NO.
Does God go against His word, the bible? .....NEVER....No, its easy to 'cherry pick' just accept the comfortable parts of the Bible, and reject the challenging, convicting parts....
(I must declare that as a new christian, i have re-married,while my first husband is still alive, but i did it against advice, as a brand new believer, i was not shown the Bible, and probably would have rejected it anyway, so determined was i to do WHAT I WANTED,i have repented of that many times,and have divorced him.).On the grounds of adultery was told at the time by the Pastor who brought me to Him,that there 'would be consquences' and oh boy there have,!!..even now 17 yrs later i regret the day it happened, not just because the Ex is a stalker, but because i disobeyed, and am STILL paying the price.So i speak from experience, knowing the heavy price for disobedience....
The saying ' a loving God would not...' really annoys me!....Who are we to decide what God would or would not do? Not only do we tell Him what to do, but make a 'God 'we want Him to be,and it goes along with the worlds view of a helpless Jesus, a baby or helpless victim on the cross, was He helpless in the temple with the money changers? He is a just God,we cannot expect Him just to turn a blind eye when we Sin, and yet judge the world on Judgement day!!!...
How does the Holy Spirit use Sin to teach us?  by convicting us!!!... we know deep inside that Sin is wrong.
Of course it also says further on in Mathew, that some cannot accept the celibate life,almost as if He knows that the church would come to the point where Re-marriage would happen, regardless of what Scripture says!!... an older Brother who has now gone onto Glory once told me that pointing the finger at others never works,because we HAVE THREE OTHERS POINTING BACK AT US!!!...Praise God for who He is,He loves us,and paid the Ultimate Price so we would not have to Answer for our Sins!!
Did Mohamed die for those he led?.., Did Buddha?... Allah?... NO, NO, NO!..

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