Thursday 26 January 2012

Yellow dogs, and near death experiences

No-ones Reading this blog anymore,!.. no views today or yesterday,never mind! maybe i was to conscious of the numbers anyway,at the moment because i am not having much fellowship, i am reading the Bible every day and praying in tongues for 15mins too,( which i should have been doing all the time anyway) i have been doing the tongues for four months now, and its not like me to keep things up very long!!..i was watching the christian channel and someone said about the missionary who went to minister to the triads, cant remember her name,and it inspired me, i felt just a little nudge to do this too,i have read her book, but can only remember the unpleasant 'yellow dog' restaurants. (where they are boiled alive). I think she may have been an Irish woman, and was brought up in such poverty, she had head lice all the time.
I have  tried to avoid the news about the financial situation in this country,i know it probable means the Lord is coming back, soon i hope! I am in fear of what will happen if society breaks down, and i know it is disobedience to God because He took care of the Nation of Israel,in the desert after they left captivity, we have been talking about the End times, for many years, now its possible we could actually be here its a whole different story! Sorry for not trusting you enough Lord.....
Its a sunny day today,it does make me feel better, i spent most of yesterday on the sofa with a bad back, i have pain killers but they make me sleepy,i am not going to allow myself to get discouraged about ll may various health problems,and the difficulties i have just living my life,my untidy and disorganised house.I m in the middle of so may projects, growing seeds for summer, opening up some more borders, so i can grow more things in my garden, getting junk stuff i dont want to throw away into storage in the attic,but having to wait for my daughter to sort out her rubbish in the attic, she has been ill with asthma, my life is very good, and i am so grateful to God for my life, as i have bee on the point of death  at least four times,He gave me visions of heaven,  and i was very annoyed to be sent back! But the Lord had a plan for my life,and if i had died at nineteen none of my wonderful children would have been born, but i am not scared of death, i know where i am going!!! 'to live is Christ, to die is gain'

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