Tuesday 24 January 2012

Monkeys and teenagers

I spoke to Darren's friend in London today, 'J',she is a lovely christian, and has been in his life as she describes it 'since he was a skinny teenager', so it seems that the Lord has had His hand on Darren for a long time, planning to bring him in to His Kingdom, it gives me a lot of hope, especially at the moment when he wants nothing to do with the things of God.
It was only a few years ago that he and my oldest son Nathan, were ganging up on me saying they did not believe in creation, and that we came from monkeys,Praise the Lord, a month or so ago Nathan told me that he believed that the world was intelligently designed, and was 6 thousand years old!, and Darren is watching the christian channel on t.v and is very keen on Dr Murty, a creation scientist! so they have both done a complete about turn, its very encouraging!!!...( i am not claiming anything to do with this,) Glory to God, always!...

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