Saturday 8 May 2021

Struggling, but not defeated

I know i am too sensitive,an old friend has not been in contact since i was forced out of the Christian Bikers,its sad, but inevitable i suppose, and i found out today that i have been blocked on facebook by some of my family, (not literally 'blocked'as facebook calls it) but i am not able to view their facebook profiles...which amounts to the same thing...i am feeling a bit fed up with that, but its life! A couple of times recently i have more or less said that 'deppression and bad days'are just a fact of life for Survivors,its not,God has removed all of the residual effects in me,thats given to God,i am a new creation, and as i have said before those things seem like they happened to a different person, which they did,that beaten defeated person does not exist anymore!!and however much the Enemy of out souls tries to whisper that i am still that person its not true!!

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