Monday 31 May 2021

Here I am again!...Mike has Died,Howard is still going....God is good ALL the time!!

Its been one of THOSE weeks, when i am really glad its over!.. which is a typical british understatement!!!,everyone seems to be under attack , and struggling. Mike died on the 20th, he was found in his Bathroom, and cause of his death is not known yet...he had been ill and had a stay in the local mental hospital, where they were trying to find medicine that helped him, (a doctor told me about twenty years ago that his attacks of Bi Polar would only get worse as he aged,he was 73, and apart from the last one, that did not happen), i dont know why God does not completely heal us on earth, but he is healed now!! I have book beside my bed, about the believer after death, and i am going to read it really!...someday... but seeing as i have lost two friends who believe, in less than 6 months i might just keep my 'rose tinted' glasses on for a while longer!...Coward that i am! We used to pray together almost every day, just the three of us, usually here,but the Enemy sent his servants, and it eventually faded everything does i suppose... I am still sorting out the house,it does look better, and i am not letting being disabled, and some bad days stop this, but only with the Lords help, we had a re-occurence of the cracking noises in the Kitchen for a day or two, but God has stopped it, and yes it took me a few days to realise it was happening again...! sigh..God is so patient with me...and everyone else of course... I moved my 8 foot high swiss cheese plant from the corner of the front room to the kitchen, as it was starting to get spindley and the fenestrations had stopped all together, despite me giving it direct sunlight for four hours a day..north facing not good at all for tropical plants,which are used to blazing sun all day, but i dont want to lose it as it is a cutting from my Mums old plant, so it is sentimental to me,the kitchen is south facing and it will get sun all day,and as we are almost at the longest day,its plenty!..i will have to move it again in October as they dont like drafts and its quite close to the back door! its predecessor was killed by me accidently leaving the door open when i was 18 at my parents house,so this one must have been bought by her in the late 1970's...I am using my new MacBook Air...i love having a full keyboard again,the Ipad pro is great too, but the keyboard is rubbish!

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