Thursday 30 October 2014

No more darkness and despair!

I have been a peacemaker this week between Mark and Nathan,they were trying to come to an agrement about Marks house where Nathan has been living rent free,and now that his girlfriend Kelly has moved in today they are paying a nominal rent.
I have not been a peacemaker with Joe!!,in fact I let him have it with both barrels! He has been going to a well know drug dealing area in we aren't talking at the moment,until the next time he turns up and has no money!but I won't be giving him any!..tough love...
I had a long discussion with Andre last night,over an hour and it was really easy to talk to him, since we have been friends again it's been hard to talk sometimes,it's getting back to how it used to be!Praise God!..we have had an ongoing battle with the mice, I have caught 4 in the last 6 days in the humane trap and let them go outside.
I hate using poison,in fact I hate killing anything, and am practically a vegetarian,I occasionally eat chicken. But always feel really guilty about that, but haven't had any other meat for a year at least,(I don't think it is biblical to eat Pork,morally object to Lamb,and have been told by medical professionals not to eat Beef,so it doesn't give me a lot of choice!)..i eat fish, I love fish fingers! And have some plain cod,or other fish too but it can be really tasteless!!.i have lost weight,6 lbs,2 kilos since the last time I was weighed,but I really don't have a bad diet,so I have been getting more exercise because of the Husky, so that's explains the weight loss!..
Sometimes I think I concentrate too much on the bad things, or rather the bad people,I read a lot of blogs about Abuse,and it's probably not good, I share because I want to show what God has done for me,but it's hard not to get dragged down sometimes.I was trying to help survivors of Sexual Abuse on Facebook,but the despair was just awful,and I just wasn't qualified to sad but I do pray for them,which is probably the most useful thing to do for them anyway!
I was talking to Andre about how I was falling out with people,with Mike,or rather not really falling out with people but not allowing them to say bad stuff and not challenge them!..He said to take it to the Lord, which I did in the form of a quick prayer,and the very same night the next door neighbours were playing their drums until 1 a.m!
The inconsiderate jerks!!!.., well the woman at least has been trying to provoke me for months,calling me a "bitch",saying things about my "messy garden" when she knew I could hear, but I didn't rise to any of her provocation!! I really don't know why,I am not allowed to, I plan too,I plan exactly what to do,but always feel a "check" in my spirit before I do!..
I suppose all the other "not putting up with fools gladly"..has made me think maybe I am not such a coward as I thought! Just because I did not confront the bombastic bully,(my sister),doesn't mean I can't!!,THE ABUSERS HAVE NOT scarred me for life!!,I can fight back when it's right to!,I just choose not too most of the time!! I am not a coward!!the enemy of our souls was taking me down that path,but not going ANYMORE! Praise God for HIs Love and care for me,and mine! Thank you Lord

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