Monday 4 November 2013

Meds, meters and ... megaphone Mike!

Where would i be without God in my life? certainly not doing well at all! i think i would be on medicine,for constant depression, because what could i have done with the things that others chose to do to me? i would never have forgiven, them! (to me it was letting them "off the hook") when really the only one who was punished was me, i was letting them control my life, i was " stuck in a moment" well more than one!....of course anger turned inside comes out as depression,and un -forgiveness is Anger, that we cant get rid of.
I am waiting for the Gas company to come and fit a meter, so i can use my newly installed heating system!..the fitter just rang and said i didn't need to wait in because the meter box is outside, i almost laughed as i feel so tired, after yesterday,i made the mistake of taking my friend Mike, to biker church,( he was going through a Bi Polar episode, he wasn't taking his medicine,i don't know if he is now.)
It was very difficult, i prayed before we went, and really did not give it enough thought,he was rude to Sandra, who is a talkative old lady, she started telling us about an old lady we both knew, and Mike says,"here we go", he had even brought ear plugs!!!!.., but didn't get them out,AND HE WAS THE ONE WHO TALKED ALL THE TIME! we even got lost on the way back" surely because i was stressed out by Him!!!...
I know God was looking after us,we were late back, i hate being late for anything, i am sure the Enemy knows that!.. so all in all it wasn't really a good experience,I am not sure what to do next time, whether to take him or not, i will have to pray,and seek Gods wisdom.
The local mental hospital has closed and a very expensive new one opened, with only 18 beds, the old one had hundreds, so of course instead of two weeks being sectioned,being made to take his medicines,now he is cared for "in the community", which actually consists of him being left to his own devices,he is losing friends,he is isolated, not monitored,the human cost is Immense,but at least money is saved by the government!!!.....

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