Sunday 10 November 2013

Dreams, Nightmares,Ants and Animals.

I have started reading proverbs, every night, and was surprised to find an answer to question which was causing me to doubt,years ago i went with Sue and my children, her kids and her Parents, Barbara and Edwin to a butterfly Centre in Wales (called Pilas Palais)there was a display of Ants, and next to it was a quote from the Bible saying "look to he Ant, thou sluggard", having watched some nature Programs, i since found out all Insects are female, the males only live a short time, just to mate.So was thinking that why had the Bible not said" female?"...,How could God who created everything not known that all insects (the workers anyway) were female? The answer of course that God NEVER gets anything wrong, I did! the Ant is called HER! This makes me think of two things from C.S.Lewis Narnia children's books,In the Voyage of the Dawn Treader,they rescue a sailor who is stuck in a place where Dreams come true, "how wonderful" they all say, until someone says, "dreams,not daydreams".
Recently as i fall asleep some terrible images come to my mind,i pray repent, commands anything not of God to leave,its very disturbing, i know this is the Enemy of my Soul, trying to " get" to me,it is quite worrying that Mike is not recovering as well as usual,i have been very worried about Joe because i have not heard from him for two weeks, he finally text me so i don't have to worry about that.
The second thing from the Narnia books is in the "Last Battle" his allegory of the End days of this world,its the way that the Animals lose the ability to speak,and revert to Wildness,and it seems to me that as we get to the End Times humans are sometimes turning into Animals,Charles Darwin and His followers think we are all Animals, some T.V announcers even say now, "we and other animals"....i am thinking really about Animals that are just brought up by the Females, the males just spend their time looking for Females to Impregnate....sometimes Society seems like that to me, so many single Mums,Men who are not interested in being Fathers, and some Women who do not let Men be Fathers.... Gods plan for us is the Family, Adam and Eve,it is the basis of society.I am not condemning anyone, i chose to be a single Mum,the alternative was dangerous!

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