Friday 15 January 2021

Dad was not an Abuser.

I just adored my Dad, he was charming and seemed to really love me, I felt privileged to be the oldest,my sister says he was a Domestic Abuser, I suppose she is entitled to her opinion, and if she hadn’t fallen out with a prominent Feminist on Twitter, and wanted to get back into her good books, I might just think, “ ok , she’s entitled to her different opinion”, but to accuse a Good Man of these lies is Wrong.My Dad was brought up by Victorian parents,in a society where Children were expected to keep quiet,only speak when spoken too, they weren’t allowed to play in the home like Modern Children, they were kept outside until mealtimes, and Bedtime. It is ridiculous to compare today’s modern child rearing to years ago, it was not abuse.My Sister has a loving Husband, a successful relationship, she has never actually lived with a Domestic Abuser, I have!...there is no comparison,my Dad loved all his Children,he did not systematicly destroy our self worth, demean us in front of others, or use control of our every thought,as Abuser do,He did not beat us, yes he might have slapped us hard, very hard sometimes, but we always knew he loved us, he told us,and showed us all the time, he was a loving parent. My Sister has even gone to the extreme of Saying they were both Autistic,and yet both of them were Articulate, and communicated very well, of course people say it’s a “Spectrum” it is, but for someone to be as Autistic as she claims and yet to be Loving, and affectionate? Can’t have it both ways.does she forget we are British, who are well known for not being outwardly emotional!

 My Parents were  private quiet people who would hate to be called wrong for not copying the new normal of exposing their private lives, putting all the pain out their just to get ‘likes’,I frankly am ashamed that she uses them like this,especially when they are gone and can’t defend themselves. She would never have done this when my Dad was Alive,he would have sued her...

Most telling of course is the fact that he lived with my Step Mum for 35 years,longer than he was married to my Mum,they were happily married, she would have never have put up with being beaten, or a battered wife, so thats where the whole Domestic Abuser lie just falls apart, and if she knew anything about the subject at all she would not say it,Abusers cant change, they abuse every wife, not just one,(i am not blaming my Mum either,)she was a gentle person,and would never "Provoke" anyone to Violence,as unpleasant as it sounds when relationships break down people behave badly and do things they regret, my Dad slapped me down, even broke my nose accidently when he was dragging me upstairs to my room, (it was banged on a bannister),at the end of their Marriage he was scary sometimes, angry a lot of the time too...He was Not an abuser. I wonder if my sister lives in the real world sometimes, she has a happy marrriage, so has no idea how people behave in a nasty breakup...I lived with my parents a lot longer than she did,she is 8 years younger than me,what does she know about it, NOTHING! lying about her own father past to use it to get into some Twitter likes,but like all Journalists the truth doesnt matter!

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