Sunday 29 September 2013

worried about Mike....

Mikes going to India today, i cant say i am not worried about him, he wont accept any doubt,and says 'God is in it', He is the Chairman of the charity,which means that he is financially responsible, and yet he has no idea how much has been raised.... its all very worrying, his oldest friend Nicky, is very worried about him going, and has said she wishes he wasnt going, and has told him not to make himself short by giving so much of his money to it.He has put his faith in a person, who is married but was simpering up to Andre, saying ' You can give me what my husband cant',literally cuddling up to an almost complete stranger!!, who just happens to be a close friend of mine, co-incidence?.... And now this woman has been ' ordained' as a 'missionary', with her set of Morals?...she is also the person who sent me supposedly 'anonymus' text messages, with vile sexual language in them....I despair, and Mike is in her cluthches...but of course Mike might be inheriting some money...and its not just me who can see through her, the church she used to go to warned others there not to 'give her money', and were very suspicious of her motives, the Local Pastor in India, sent emails to her family to say she was only 'in it for the money'.....Oh dear Oh dear.. He wont listen to widom, to those who love him and have known him for years, he is an Adult, i suppose its his choice.

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