Wednesday 24 July 2013

Bono, Dave and starring at walls...

I have been reading the book" Bono On Bono", on my new kindle that my kids got me for my 55th birthday, i was really surprised when He is talking about on of his songs, cant remember the title, but it was about his friend who committed suicide, the Words which struck me were " stuck in a moment you cant get out of", that's how i described my friends Marion's suicide, she couldn't get past something in her life,a "moment", she lived in until her death. I remember once saying when she was around, about suicidal people not really wanting to die, but just that the pain would stop,i still feel guilty about that. Dave was my creative writing teacher,which i did a few years ago a free course for Carers,he said i wrote 'interesting stories',which was nice to hear but i am not sure! I have recently decided that i spend a lot of my life starring at walls, not that i am looking at the wall itself, but my mind is elsewhere, usually because i am waiting for Ben,yesterday it was a garden wall...oh well i am not really as boring as i seem to the outside,i am quite happy to be a "home bird", i have always been, as a child we lived all over the world,so i feel secure in one place now, my children must be the same, none of them want to leave this town where they were born a brought up.So today, i am grateful to God for security of my home, but more than that the security i have in His love for me,and the knowledge that although the world is going through some hard times, maybe even the Tribulation,God will take care of me,and mine. Praise Him!

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