Darren was round on Wednesday which he does most days, as he buys things for me in town and we watch t.v together for a while, last week we watched a great talk from R.T.Kendall, and american Pastor who used to be the minister of the Westminster Chapel in London very near to Buckingham Palace, but in the same time-slot around 5.p.m there was another American preaching outside,in a University in the in the U.S.A, his name was Cliffe Kenchtle, the programme was called "Give me an answer", and Darren and i were fascinated,young University students were asking him questions,and one young man asked a question "now that the world is such a better place, with less Violence statistically, increasing empathy,transcendence of the Human form"...and used the analogy of a mobile phone which is always being improved,but didn't see what that had to do with god's"
I was shocked because he really thought the World was better! and had "somehow changed itself" with "more understanding between people etc the reply was " I find it amazing that you can stand there and say we are getting better" he replied " I really do believe it, we kill each other less we live longer,we understand each other better, we are more literate,we walk forward whether or not we believe in God "
"I disagree," was the reply" and so did H.G.Wells,who was an English Philosopher who lived through World War One,and he believed like you in the perfect-ability of the Human race,through Education, through technology through Scientific discovery,World War one came along and he realised it was the world to end all wars, then World War Two came along and H.G Wells was confronted with the fact that the most highly educated,scientific Nation in the World, Nazi Germany was committing the most horrible crimes imaginable,Dhakow, Auswitz and Buchenvald,and after World War two he wrote a book called the "Faith of Man" in it he wrote , "I used to pin my hopes on the perfect-ability of the Human Race,through Education ,Science and Technology,but i have witnessed in my lifetime a return to Barbarism,Violence and slaughtering people,like never before, and my Faith in Man is bankrupt". the young man replied," but if H.G.Wells was around today".. ..sadly proving he had totally missed the Point.
A wonderful , interesting debate,with a young man with high ideals and hope for the World, pretty irrepresable,and yet so so WRONG!...
One Million women are sold in Sex slavery today, oppressed by Violence, it used to be a bit of a joke,'hysterical women' scared of being sent to the "white Save trade",it was so unlikely to happen here in Britain!!, maybe women who wandered off abroad,but EVERY town in England has a Brothel with East European women,they aren't Slaves, but its the unseen,MILLION UNWILLING TORTURED DRUGGED WOMEN, who cry out to God.
That hopeful, fresh-faced young man, probably believes in a "woman's right to choose",but the violence done everyday to the innocent child who is an "inconvenience" to its parents?..,LESS VIOLENCE IN THE WORLD?
Maybe there is for a nice looking, fresh-faced young white man,yes maybe the World is a hopeful place, in his little Cucoon,his protective bubble,maybe he is a young man who would never beat a woman , or go to a brothel,but maybe would get his girlfriend an abortion.....but the violence involved in that?.. is Ignored.
Where is the innocent baby's "right to choose", whose basic expectation is protection of his life by his parents? where is his or her choice?, where is the woman, drugged and repeatedly raped's choice?, the beaten wife's choice,does she have 'the choice' to leave, when the danger is at it's worst?.
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