Monday, 30 January 2017

Abusers and enablers

It has been a bit shocking today reading about how people make excuses when confronted by Abusers actions,how women tend to be frozen out of friendships groups because their so called friends refuse to "take sides", (or in my daughters case actually believe lies told about me)....really the conclusion is that "friends" wont believe, or challenge any bad the Abuser gets a free pass,one woman had got drunk and been found by her friend with one of their trusted male friends stroking her arm,she was put to bed in a safe place, but her boyfriend was still inviting the "friend" to social events,he had challenged the friend years before, at High school but the friend had a supposed breakdown, and threatened suicide...Manipulation, years later, the abuser had access to many women through this friendship group, and of course never got challenged again..

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