Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Green Book

Its been a busy few days, yesterday i went for an early appointment at the Cardiologist,and have been discharged from their care. The battery on the old car is flat AGAIN, and Andre is coming up soon, i missed a call from him so i don't know the exact day,but at the moment i am feeling a bit rough so don't know if i will be able to go out! WHAT A SHAME!! i will miss out on seeing Him and Josetta, and Mike...I am just giving the whole situation to the Lord, last time it was a lot of aggro for me and for Mike, who is no longer my concern,but it gives the Ex Howard an excuse to be round his house.
Its been an exciting few days in America,my Local newspaper, the 'Shropshire star' felt absolutely obliged to share all the nasty trolling comments about the women Marches,i.e "TRUMP got more Fat women walking than Michelle ever did",with almost secret Pride that a vile women hating facebook group, had some Shropshire Trolls who were trolling some of the marches American organiser's,(which had had 83 offensive, comments on the women's appearance , the worst Rape threats were deleted).
Haters are alive and well! and living everywhere!
I heard for the first time yesterday about the all white towns called "Sundown Towns", (for years i have heard about route 66,a road in america,and i even had a favourite t shirt with it on), of the 89 towns on route 66, 44 had signs that said as you enter." "xxxxxxx " (offensive word for black people) "don't let the sun go down on you here" this was within my lifetime,as it only ended in 1966...starting in 1933, an Author called Candacy Taylor, has written a book, about when the black middle class in America started touring, and the safe places for them to stay on Route 66,we were shown a "rib shack" which was one of them,only about the size of a shed.
A book was published called the "Green book for Negro Motorists",listing the safe places to stay overnight so people wouldn't be caught in these towns overnight.
I saw another t.v programe which talked about lot of the Ku Klux Klan were descended almost exclusively from Scots,who had escaped the Highland clearances,( poor people had their rented farms taken from them, by the Landowners, who wanted a nice un-obscured view, and of course most of Scotland very empty, as most of the people went to America). These same people then oppressed other Poor doesn't make sense to me, and i feel very ashamed to be from Britain today..

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