My Life,not always crap!I am first and foremost a bible believing, born again very bad christian, a writer,published in an Anthology for Carers see carewrite blogspot....Interested in all artistic things,very bad housekeeper.Full time carer for my Autistic son,I am classed as disabled. My core beliefs are the same as most other Born again people, the Trinity,anti- Euthanasia,anti- Abortion,i believe the Lord is returning soon,we are in the End times.God is in control of the world.
Monday, 30 January 2017
Abusers and enablers
It has been a bit shocking today reading about how people make excuses when confronted by Abusers actions,how women tend to be frozen out of friendships groups because their so called friends refuse to "take sides", (or in my daughters case actually believe lies told about me)....really the conclusion is that "friends" wont believe, or challenge any bad the Abuser gets a free pass,one woman had got drunk and been found by her friend with one of their trusted male friends stroking her arm,she was put to bed in a safe place, but her boyfriend was still inviting the "friend" to social events,he had challenged the friend years before, at High school but the friend had a supposed breakdown, and threatened suicide...Manipulation, years later, the abuser had access to many women through this friendship group, and of course never got challenged again..
Sunday, 29 January 2017
Well i don't really have anything very interesting to talk about today,i have been ill most of this week and haven't seen the doctor because i have been quite a few times in the last few months only to be told," take some paracetamol and come back if it carries on" so i am trying to do that before i go to the doc's! i will go on Monday though if its not better.
I have commented today on Facebook about a Chaplain to the Queen who has resigned about the Koran being read in an Anglican Cathedral, the part which EXPLICITLY DENIES THE DIVINITY OF so shocking... the Rev Gavin said that the Church of England is dying,how can God help or even bless any organisation which deny's His Son Godhood?.
I have commented today on Facebook about a Chaplain to the Queen who has resigned about the Koran being read in an Anglican Cathedral, the part which EXPLICITLY DENIES THE DIVINITY OF so shocking... the Rev Gavin said that the Church of England is dying,how can God help or even bless any organisation which deny's His Son Godhood?.
Wednesday, 25 January 2017
Green Book
Its been a busy few days, yesterday i went for an early appointment at the Cardiologist,and have been discharged from their care. The battery on the old car is flat AGAIN, and Andre is coming up soon, i missed a call from him so i don't know the exact day,but at the moment i am feeling a bit rough so don't know if i will be able to go out! WHAT A SHAME!! i will miss out on seeing Him and Josetta, and Mike...I am just giving the whole situation to the Lord, last time it was a lot of aggro for me and for Mike, who is no longer my concern,but it gives the Ex Howard an excuse to be round his house.
Its been an exciting few days in America,my Local newspaper, the 'Shropshire star' felt absolutely obliged to share all the nasty trolling comments about the women Marches,i.e "TRUMP got more Fat women walking than Michelle ever did",with almost secret Pride that a vile women hating facebook group, had some Shropshire Trolls who were trolling some of the marches American organiser's,(which had had 83 offensive, comments on the women's appearance , the worst Rape threats were deleted).
Haters are alive and well! and living everywhere!
I heard for the first time yesterday about the all white towns called "Sundown Towns", (for years i have heard about route 66,a road in america,and i even had a favourite t shirt with it on), of the 89 towns on route 66, 44 had signs that said as you enter." "xxxxxxx " (offensive word for black people) "don't let the sun go down on you here" this was within my lifetime,as it only ended in 1966...starting in 1933, an Author called Candacy Taylor, has written a book, about when the black middle class in America started touring, and the safe places for them to stay on Route 66,we were shown a "rib shack" which was one of them,only about the size of a shed.
A book was published called the "Green book for Negro Motorists",listing the safe places to stay overnight so people wouldn't be caught in these towns overnight.
I saw another t.v programe which talked about lot of the Ku Klux Klan were descended almost exclusively from Scots,who had escaped the Highland clearances,( poor people had their rented farms taken from them, by the Landowners, who wanted a nice un-obscured view, and of course most of Scotland very empty, as most of the people went to America). These same people then oppressed other Poor doesn't make sense to me, and i feel very ashamed to be from Britain today..
Its been an exciting few days in America,my Local newspaper, the 'Shropshire star' felt absolutely obliged to share all the nasty trolling comments about the women Marches,i.e "TRUMP got more Fat women walking than Michelle ever did",with almost secret Pride that a vile women hating facebook group, had some Shropshire Trolls who were trolling some of the marches American organiser's,(which had had 83 offensive, comments on the women's appearance , the worst Rape threats were deleted).
Haters are alive and well! and living everywhere!
I heard for the first time yesterday about the all white towns called "Sundown Towns", (for years i have heard about route 66,a road in america,and i even had a favourite t shirt with it on), of the 89 towns on route 66, 44 had signs that said as you enter." "xxxxxxx " (offensive word for black people) "don't let the sun go down on you here" this was within my lifetime,as it only ended in 1966...starting in 1933, an Author called Candacy Taylor, has written a book, about when the black middle class in America started touring, and the safe places for them to stay on Route 66,we were shown a "rib shack" which was one of them,only about the size of a shed.
A book was published called the "Green book for Negro Motorists",listing the safe places to stay overnight so people wouldn't be caught in these towns overnight.
I saw another t.v programe which talked about lot of the Ku Klux Klan were descended almost exclusively from Scots,who had escaped the Highland clearances,( poor people had their rented farms taken from them, by the Landowners, who wanted a nice un-obscured view, and of course most of Scotland very empty, as most of the people went to America). These same people then oppressed other Poor doesn't make sense to me, and i feel very ashamed to be from Britain today..
Tuesday, 17 January 2017
Ben's Medical missed again...
Well here we are again, Ben's not getting up and we have run out of food.He was supposed to have his annual medical today, but as he was up all night, he wont make the appointment at 2.p.m...So if it wasn't for my nieghbour Darren we would never eat!!
I am still waging war against the local rodents, blocking holes in floor boards, and round windows to stop them coming in, when it gets colder, but this year it hasn't really got very cold at all, it was 9 degrees yesterday, and its 6 today, so for the second day running i have turned off the central heating, i bet the Power companies are tearing their hair out!
I am no fully out of whatever low mood i have been in for at least a year,it got worse over Christmas, but its all better now,of course it hit me hard that my Dad Died, to be honest however old you are you,( me) really never expects them to die..i can't really believe its been 39 years since my brother Mike died..I have been talking recently to someone who was around at that same time, its strange to see it through someones else's perspective..
Of course facing the fact that those people who still have Howard in their lives are NOT my friends, has been a journey i didn't want to go on,but that started in January 2015, when my daughter chose to have him in her life over me,it has definitely given me a sense of release, its as if a heavy burden has been lifted from me!!..i don't feel i have to do the 'right' thing and swallow my pride and pain that those people don't care enough to do the right thing, its gone it's over, years of hurt feelings disappeared! Praise God, He does not want me treated like this! Thank you Lord!
Its been a journey to forgive them,they have been very surprised that i don't put up with it anymore,(on Christmas Eve Mike started talking to me,loudly lecturing me with information i already knew!..he's shocked when i use the first chance to get away!(someone walked between us and said sorry, for interrupting, or some other inane comment, and i said) "I'm always getting in your way" jokingly,Mike turned away, and i walked off!!)
I still care about Mike, i would hate anything bad to happen to him,i still care about my daughter, and Sandra,but their behaviour was unacceptable, and it doesn't affect me any more!
Mark, my lovely friend, (and first Husband) said just before Christmas that i was good at knowing when i was being taken advantage of, and gently stopping it!, which was a very nice thing thing to say because sometimes i give into the enemies trap of feeling I am taken taken advantage of all the time!
I am still waging war against the local rodents, blocking holes in floor boards, and round windows to stop them coming in, when it gets colder, but this year it hasn't really got very cold at all, it was 9 degrees yesterday, and its 6 today, so for the second day running i have turned off the central heating, i bet the Power companies are tearing their hair out!
I am no fully out of whatever low mood i have been in for at least a year,it got worse over Christmas, but its all better now,of course it hit me hard that my Dad Died, to be honest however old you are you,( me) really never expects them to die..i can't really believe its been 39 years since my brother Mike died..I have been talking recently to someone who was around at that same time, its strange to see it through someones else's perspective..
Of course facing the fact that those people who still have Howard in their lives are NOT my friends, has been a journey i didn't want to go on,but that started in January 2015, when my daughter chose to have him in her life over me,it has definitely given me a sense of release, its as if a heavy burden has been lifted from me!!..i don't feel i have to do the 'right' thing and swallow my pride and pain that those people don't care enough to do the right thing, its gone it's over, years of hurt feelings disappeared! Praise God, He does not want me treated like this! Thank you Lord!
Its been a journey to forgive them,they have been very surprised that i don't put up with it anymore,(on Christmas Eve Mike started talking to me,loudly lecturing me with information i already knew!..he's shocked when i use the first chance to get away!(someone walked between us and said sorry, for interrupting, or some other inane comment, and i said) "I'm always getting in your way" jokingly,Mike turned away, and i walked off!!)
I still care about Mike, i would hate anything bad to happen to him,i still care about my daughter, and Sandra,but their behaviour was unacceptable, and it doesn't affect me any more!
Mark, my lovely friend, (and first Husband) said just before Christmas that i was good at knowing when i was being taken advantage of, and gently stopping it!, which was a very nice thing thing to say because sometimes i give into the enemies trap of feeling I am taken taken advantage of all the time!
Sunday, 15 January 2017
One million
Darren was round on Wednesday which he does most days, as he buys things for me in town and we watch t.v together for a while, last week we watched a great talk from R.T.Kendall, and american Pastor who used to be the minister of the Westminster Chapel in London very near to Buckingham Palace, but in the same time-slot around 5.p.m there was another American preaching outside,in a University in the in the U.S.A, his name was Cliffe Kenchtle, the programme was called "Give me an answer", and Darren and i were fascinated,young University students were asking him questions,and one young man asked a question "now that the world is such a better place, with less Violence statistically, increasing empathy,transcendence of the Human form"...and used the analogy of a mobile phone which is always being improved,but didn't see what that had to do with god's"
I was shocked because he really thought the World was better! and had "somehow changed itself" with "more understanding between people etc the reply was " I find it amazing that you can stand there and say we are getting better" he replied " I really do believe it, we kill each other less we live longer,we understand each other better, we are more literate,we walk forward whether or not we believe in God "
"I disagree," was the reply" and so did H.G.Wells,who was an English Philosopher who lived through World War One,and he believed like you in the perfect-ability of the Human race,through Education, through technology through Scientific discovery,World War one came along and he realised it was the world to end all wars, then World War Two came along and H.G Wells was confronted with the fact that the most highly educated,scientific Nation in the World, Nazi Germany was committing the most horrible crimes imaginable,Dhakow, Auswitz and Buchenvald,and after World War two he wrote a book called the "Faith of Man" in it he wrote , "I used to pin my hopes on the perfect-ability of the Human Race,through Education ,Science and Technology,but i have witnessed in my lifetime a return to Barbarism,Violence and slaughtering people,like never before, and my Faith in Man is bankrupt". the young man replied," but if H.G.Wells was around today".. ..sadly proving he had totally missed the Point.
A wonderful , interesting debate,with a young man with high ideals and hope for the World, pretty irrepresable,and yet so so WRONG!...
One Million women are sold in Sex slavery today, oppressed by Violence, it used to be a bit of a joke,'hysterical women' scared of being sent to the "white Save trade",it was so unlikely to happen here in Britain!!, maybe women who wandered off abroad,but EVERY town in England has a Brothel with East European women,they aren't Slaves, but its the unseen,MILLION UNWILLING TORTURED DRUGGED WOMEN, who cry out to God.
That hopeful, fresh-faced young man, probably believes in a "woman's right to choose",but the violence done everyday to the innocent child who is an "inconvenience" to its parents?..,LESS VIOLENCE IN THE WORLD?
Maybe there is for a nice looking, fresh-faced young white man,yes maybe the World is a hopeful place, in his little Cucoon,his protective bubble,maybe he is a young man who would never beat a woman , or go to a brothel,but maybe would get his girlfriend an abortion.....but the violence involved in that?.. is Ignored.
Where is the innocent baby's "right to choose", whose basic expectation is protection of his life by his parents? where is his or her choice?, where is the woman, drugged and repeatedly raped's choice?, the beaten wife's choice,does she have 'the choice' to leave, when the danger is at it's worst?.
I was shocked because he really thought the World was better! and had "somehow changed itself" with "more understanding between people etc the reply was " I find it amazing that you can stand there and say we are getting better" he replied " I really do believe it, we kill each other less we live longer,we understand each other better, we are more literate,we walk forward whether or not we believe in God "
"I disagree," was the reply" and so did H.G.Wells,who was an English Philosopher who lived through World War One,and he believed like you in the perfect-ability of the Human race,through Education, through technology through Scientific discovery,World War one came along and he realised it was the world to end all wars, then World War Two came along and H.G Wells was confronted with the fact that the most highly educated,scientific Nation in the World, Nazi Germany was committing the most horrible crimes imaginable,Dhakow, Auswitz and Buchenvald,and after World War two he wrote a book called the "Faith of Man" in it he wrote , "I used to pin my hopes on the perfect-ability of the Human Race,through Education ,Science and Technology,but i have witnessed in my lifetime a return to Barbarism,Violence and slaughtering people,like never before, and my Faith in Man is bankrupt". the young man replied," but if H.G.Wells was around today".. ..sadly proving he had totally missed the Point.
A wonderful , interesting debate,with a young man with high ideals and hope for the World, pretty irrepresable,and yet so so WRONG!...
One Million women are sold in Sex slavery today, oppressed by Violence, it used to be a bit of a joke,'hysterical women' scared of being sent to the "white Save trade",it was so unlikely to happen here in Britain!!, maybe women who wandered off abroad,but EVERY town in England has a Brothel with East European women,they aren't Slaves, but its the unseen,MILLION UNWILLING TORTURED DRUGGED WOMEN, who cry out to God.
That hopeful, fresh-faced young man, probably believes in a "woman's right to choose",but the violence done everyday to the innocent child who is an "inconvenience" to its parents?..,LESS VIOLENCE IN THE WORLD?
Maybe there is for a nice looking, fresh-faced young white man,yes maybe the World is a hopeful place, in his little Cucoon,his protective bubble,maybe he is a young man who would never beat a woman , or go to a brothel,but maybe would get his girlfriend an abortion.....but the violence involved in that?.. is Ignored.
Where is the innocent baby's "right to choose", whose basic expectation is protection of his life by his parents? where is his or her choice?, where is the woman, drugged and repeatedly raped's choice?, the beaten wife's choice,does she have 'the choice' to leave, when the danger is at it's worst?.
Wednesday, 11 January 2017
Mole Badger and Ratty
Rats! used to be used as an expletive, a swear word in England! Tashie has one one the farm, which comes out when she feeds the chickens, and is really cheeky,comes really close and thinks it deserves some of the food too!I have seen some more evidence of rodent activity outside, so have got some bins with secure lids just in case they decide to come back into the house,being an old house there are gaps,in the brick mortar around windows and doors, even at the bottom of the front Bay window, where there is a gap between the floor boards and the skirting board, so the battle continues! we are going to have another cold spell soon so i must try to plug any gaps before they decide to move in again!!
Friday, 6 January 2017
So annoyed at myself!!
Oh dear I spilt tea on my laptop this morning and its not working now! I am very annoyed at myself I have had it for eight years!!, I learnt how to go on the internet on it...I have a netbook but I don't really think it is the same...I will ask Alec to look at it...
I have been reading the bible book of Ezekiel, it is quite hard to understand, so will have to research a bit more! Its heavy going, but then i think well its about the children of Israel in captivity,so it might be heavy going! doh!!, i had a migraine yesterday which hasn't happened for a long time, and i have been having headaches for a few weeks now, but i thought it was part of the virus that's been going around the family for a few weeks now, i saw Nathan and Kelly lovely Baby on Tuesday,Celyn, pronounced kellin), shes a little Angel but slept the whole time,surprise surprise, she is not such an angel at night time, and screams a lot!..its so hard when you have a small baby.
I am very glad to be a Grandparent and give them back!
I have been reading the bible book of Ezekiel, it is quite hard to understand, so will have to research a bit more! Its heavy going, but then i think well its about the children of Israel in captivity,so it might be heavy going! doh!!, i had a migraine yesterday which hasn't happened for a long time, and i have been having headaches for a few weeks now, but i thought it was part of the virus that's been going around the family for a few weeks now, i saw Nathan and Kelly lovely Baby on Tuesday,Celyn, pronounced kellin), shes a little Angel but slept the whole time,surprise surprise, she is not such an angel at night time, and screams a lot!..its so hard when you have a small baby.
I am very glad to be a Grandparent and give them back!
Monday, 2 January 2017
His Power
Well i was having a peaceful morning today until the Enemy had a try to upset me, but its not worked! God is so good!just some mosquito's which were a bit irritating, but they don't affect me! Even trying to think where the next attack is coming from is a lack of faith that God will protect me, its doubt! in His overwhelming power to Protect and Love me!! i had a headache this morning and I just asked Him to take it away and it went Instantly, Praise God, for He is good!! ALL the time!
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